A Journey Towards Value

Amica is a Registered Private Limited Company Under Indian Company Registered Act 2013

It is engaged in the field of manufacturing and marketing value-added pharmaceutical products to the market needs. With a determined and excellent network, Amica caters throughout the Indian sub-continent. Its registered office is located in Bangalore in south India and is steered by very prominent promoters and directors who have rich experience in its line of activities.

It has a very proud completion of a decade in the above business.

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Amica’s Strategical Business Forte

  • The company is into manufacturing of the pharmaceutical product through well renowned companies who is having state of the art manufacturing facilities. Who in turn supply the products to amica at the manufacturing cost to m/s amica with its registered trade mark.

  • On receiving medicines supplied by the above company we store the said products in our registered office storage which is maintained in accordance with the guidelines of drugs and pharmaceutical act.

  • From the storage we distribute the said medicines to the stockist all over the india hence such we are having around 50 stockist associated with our company and they sell the medicines to the medical outlets  clinics and hospitals for the margin of 10% .The said margin is called as stockist margin which is 10% of price to stock lists.

  • The stockiest will supply products to the retailers with a margin of 18% from the billing amount which is called retailer margin. payment of which is being collected vide postdated cheque of 45 days from the date of billing.
  • Further, we are having 19 marketing staffs closely co-ordinating with the stockist and retailer for the smooth business activity in the market. The company is based on marketing and we have 4 marketing managers regional managers and one product managing trainer.

  • Further, the company’s profit margin is calculated as a 1:6 ratio of the manufacturing cost. If the manufacturing cost of medicine is RS.10 then the cost of the retailer will be RS.50.84 and the MRP could be RS.60.

  • The above calculation is with the exemption of the tax paid to the government.

At present application is made for an expansion of the business in other locations and also the company is intending to introduce new products in the indian market.

Corporate Executive Team


Initial Investment Is Rs.50 Lakhs Coming Out Of Promoters And Directors.

Issue Of Share By Business Partners – 30 Lakhs
Issue Of Shares By Medical Institutions And Doctors 20 Lakhs.
Other Potential Customers 10 Lakhs.


Business Partners are the doctors who are the back bone to the growth of the company. They will support our company products in the indian market.

The Director Of The Company has decided to issue redeemable preferential shares to some of the identified doctors to recognise their contribtuion and involve them with amica and share the benefits among them.


Preferential shares are allotted to the identified and interested doctors and chemist potential customers.

Is there any cap on the application of shares? Yes any individual can apply a maximum of (30000 thirty thousand) shares with the face value of Rs.100/- each (thirty lakhs only)

Yes any individual can apply a maximum of (30000 thirty thousand) shares with the face value of Rs.100/- each (thirty lakhs only)

Yes the maximum numbers of applicants is restricted to 30 members.

The shares will be allotted on a proportionate basis.



Development Of Formulation

The company has a strong foothold in the development of new formulations and is developed by the associate companies. The company will use the formulation thus developed to strengthen its market/product range.

Marketing Strategy

The company has a three-fold strategy to capture the market.

  • All over India
  • Products with new molecular.
  • Best affordable price to all.